Welcome back Friends,
We are so excited about our Comparison series. The feedback has been fun to hear! Thank you for spending a little of your time with us each week. We feel honored to give you a little piece of our passion!
The next letter “A” in our series prompts us to ask you, “What are you “Anchored” in?”
You’ve probably heard the phrase “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’re likely to fall for anything.” This is especially true with Comparison. Not only does it keep you in captivity and obstructs your vision, it has the ability to make you second guess who you are, what you do, what you look like and how you react. Psalm 37:3(AMP) says, “Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed (securely) on His faithfulness.”
When you are trusting and “feeding” on how God has created you and have confidence in His faithfulness in your life, you find your “Anchor” goes deeper and deeper. You become immovable and steadfast and the likely hood of falling for anything becomes less.
Coaching Question:
- If you find yourself in the “Comparison Trap” this week, what can you do to make your “anchor” immovable?
We would love to hear what you learned. Send your thoughts to: Click on “Contact” (ignoring the drop-down menu) and that will take you to the “mailbox” picture so you can send us an email.
We hope your heart is anchored!
Maryann and Robin