Happy Monday Friends!
I have been delighted with the fantasy of Mary Poppins for a while now, not just because it was always my favorite childhood story, but with 7 performances behind us and 7 more to go, it has kind of become, well, muscle memory. What a great run we have had with a wonderful cast, great engaging audiences, but mostly an opportunity to bring an amazing story to our community theater. Despite the magic and silliness that happens when Mary Poppins is part of the day, there is a heartwarming story of a hard hearted banker man, who is focused on money and notoriety and a family of a wife and 2 children that just want his love and attention.
Mr. Banks doesn’t have time for his children, and puts hard expectations on his wife who try’s to please him. He yells, slams doors and stomps his feet in an attempt to be heard but only pushes people farther away.
Then, Mary Poppins comes to the rescue and uses a strategy of kind words, loving conviction for naughty children, and amazingly has a way of building Mrs. Banks confidence with out her even knowing. Yes, there are some fun magical tricks up her sleeve, but more than that her character portrays a person, by choosing, sees the best potential in people and convinces them of the same.
The other day I woke up feeling irritated and found myself short with people, even the dog! This is not usually characteristic for me, but it seemed to come quite easily that day:) Like the character that plays Mr. Banks, I wasn’t even aware of it until my husband pointed it out to me that I seemed “tense”.
I was glad for the reminder because of it’s ability to help me reflect on what it was that had me in a mood. For me, it was mostly due to a very full plate, a sore throat, and no exercise, but for Mr. Banks it was more. His upbringing was spent with a mean, evil nanny who yelled, slammed doors and stomped her feet, very little attention from his parents and ultimately never feeling loved or valued. Mr. Banks lived in fear, not acceptance.
As you probably know, the progresses and he sees his children, particularly begin to change, they become more loving, not so naughty, but happy. The whole feeling in his house becomes lighter and more content.
Mr. Banks finally saw his fear as he was forced to see it face to face. He recognized that he was missing the most important parts of life, his family and his happiness. He even recognized that he had the capacity to put his past behind him, that it didn’t have to define him, and by letting go of some bad habits, hard feelings and letting others help him, he could change.
In my life coaching practice, I see many women experiencing life this way, living in fear. We all have times where we struggle, but is the struggle lasting longer than a few hours or days? If it is, it may be time to take a closer look at reasons, to call them out and conquer them. I am not saying that Mary Poppins will show up and snap her fingers and things will be practically perfect, I am just saying that joy in your days must be intentional and a top priority to you. Making a shift in life takes time, but it’s worth it.
Please friends, don’t let fear steal your joy, don’t let false beliefs rob you of life! Our children are a gift, don’t miss it, our loved ones are in our lives for so many reasons, and God has a plan for you that is amazing.
Mary Poppins is a hopeless to hopeful story. I love it!
I hope your heart is singing,
Hearts Song Life Coaching