Hello…Welcome back!
It’s hard to believe that we are in the full swing of Fall and headed into the holidays. We have so enjoyed our Comparison series and sharing it with you these past 10 weeks! Congratulations on a job well done!
Today, we want to leave you with a few tools to help you conquer those times when comparison will be knocking on your door. These questions are meant as a heart check-up, and we would encourage you to use them as part of your weekly routine.
Coaching Tools:
- Who or what makes me jealous or envious?
- In what area do I feel like I’m falling behind?
- Are there failures of others that I secretly celebrate?
- What area am I dissatisfied?
- What lie about myself do I keep believing?
- Is there anything tempting me to have a wrong reaction?
If this “heart check-up” brings confusion or turmoil, we would encourage you to go back and review these past 10 weeks. You will be surprised as to how far you’ve stepped away from Comparison. Remember this…”above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
Hearts Song Life Coaching will be offering “The Comparison Trap” book study after the new year. We would love to have you join us! Be watching our website/emails.
Until next time…COMPARE NO MORE!
Maryann and Robin
(Some “Coaching Tools” taken in part from “The Comparison Trap” by Sandra Stanley)