Hello Friends!
It’s hard to believe that we are well into another month! “I” (Robin) love pens, paper, sticky notes and glues sticks…which are in abundance as we approach the beginning of a new school year. If you’re one of the lovely parent readers of school age children, we wish you the best.
Last week we began a new series focusing on the issue of Comparison. We know that Captivity keeps us bound, isolated and “obstructs” our view of who we are created to be. This leads us to our second letter “O” in our acronym COMPARISON.
Have you ever been driving, come to a stop sign and a bush or a tree has obstructed your view to what was coming your direction? Comparison can be very “Obstructive” as well. Living our lives trying to strive to be something we are not meant to be obstructs our vision. We begin to lose sight of God’s direction. The blind spots of comparison cause us not to see the full picture. Proverbs 4:25-26 (ISV) says, “Let your eyes look directly ahead; fix your gaze straight in front of you. Carefully measure the paths of your feet, and all your ways will be established.”
Coaching Questions:
- What comparison is “obstructing” my view?
- What steps do I need to take to straighten my path?
Obstruction can cause destruction when we are stuck in a comparison trap.
We hope your heart is seeing clearly!
Maryann and Robin